We were asked to create a light installation for the Austrian hip-hop artist “Appletree”. The catch? We have exactly 10 days to design and build it. We’re not one’s to shy away from a challenge so we stepped up to the plate and came up with a concept that was realistic for the time frame.

The video was produced by our good friends at Broductions, who we had been long looking to work on a project with. When the call came that not only would we be working with our friends, but that the German hip-hop legend “Samy Deluxe” would also be making a feature in the song, we were in.

The installation itself is based in symmetry and cubism: two themes that The Paranormal Unicorn has often used to great effect. It consists of 9 large cubes, big enough for an actor to stand in. We wanted to separate the space distinctly to create individual spaces for each actor. In some circumstances, this would lead to a feeling of isolation, but through the heavy use of editing, the actors were transported from one cube to another, often sharing space. Together with the use of strong contrast and illusion, the video gives a sense of mystery and grandeur.

Technical details

The structure was built out of wood. The light cage consisted of 64 individually controllable “dumb” LED strips. The interface was built in MaxMSP and controlled via a Max4Live patch in Ableton. Ableton is well suited to create fast presets and scenes, perfect for music videos or live events.

64 x 2m RGB LED strip
4 x 48-channel DMX dimmer
4 x 12v 10A power supply
Enttec Artnet ODE

MaxMSP 7
Ableton Live 8
Enttec NMU (for testing)

sheep gray tiny-new